Sunday, January 8, 2012

All that Glitters is Gold

The new year is bringing in many new styles and trends. What's going to be hot this season? GLITTER!

Nothing says fresh start like sparkles and bright colors and glitter. I don't mean add some more eye shadow or body mist, I mean your wardrobe! Or better yet, your shoes! whether it be heels, flats or even on sneakers; there will be glitter walking around everywhere this year. It is the best way to look elegant while adding some sparkle to your step.

You might ask: Is the look going to be overboard? No, as long as wear only one article of clothing (your shoes) with glitter and the rest without, you will look amazing and wear it for any occasion.

Preferably, I would pick a gold tone because it is more of a warming glow. They do, however, make glittery shoes in all sorts of colors. Blue, silver, pink, purple, you name it, they make it. You can even find the infamous pair that our old friend Dorothy wore when she wished to go back home (another instance where glittery shoes are magical)!


  1. i love the sparkling shoes...even sneakers!!!

  2. I LOVE glittery heels! Have you seen the Miu Miu ones? They are divine!

  3. Nice!

    Kisses xx
